About Us
We would love to see you. Come worship with us.
On January 27, 2002 Deer Creek Baptist Church celebrated its 100-year anniversary. In 1902, while Oklahoma was still a territory, the first service of Deer Creek Missionary Baptist Church was held. The new Church received its constitution from the State of Oklahoma in 1907 while under the pastorate of D. Whitson. Deer Creek formed a relationship with the Friendship Association, which is now known as the Pottawatomie-Lincoln Baptist Association. The church maintains its close relationship with the Pottawatomie-Lincoln Association to this day.
355960 E. 960 Rd, Stroud, OK 74079
Pastor Mike Haines
Sunday - Opening 9:45am – 10am
Sunday - Sunday School 10am – 11am
Sunday - Morning Worship 11am
Sunday - Discipleship Training 6Pm – 7pm
Sunday - Evening Worship 7pm
Wednesday - Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm